Sukanya Deb

Sukanya Deb is a writer and curator, based in New Delhi, India.

Source: TVCO

📩: sukanyadeb00[at]gmail[dot]com

Recently published:

e-flux education / Demystifying Sound, Remystifying Sense: Free.wav 2.0 Sonic Arts Residency at Bhoomi Farms

ASAP | Art / Mourning as Presence: Interview with Vishal Kumaraswamy on ‘ಮರಣ Marana [Demise]’ at Les Recontres d’Arles Edition 2023

STIRworld / Iranian photographer Zahra Yazdani presents a new body of work at Latitude 28 Gallery New Delhi

STIRworld / Yoshinori Niwa brings together gestures that untangle the logic of capitalism

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